There is no simple way to revert your repository to a previous revision on Assembla. However, a reversion is possible by following these steps.

First, export the SVN repository in your space. This can be done under the Import/Export section of your repository. It’ll take a minute for the dump to be created. Once that has completed, download the repository dump.

Then, extract the contents of the ZIP file to a temporary directory, then run the following commands in the temporary directory:

svnadmin create REPO_NAME
svnadmin load REPO_NAME < rXX.dump
svnadmin dump -r 1:YY REPO_NAME --incremental > rYY.dump
gzip rYY.dump

Replace XX with the current revision of your repository, YY with the revision you wish to revert to, and REPO_NAME with any name, such as your repository’s name. This name will not be carried over later.

Afterwards, delete the repository tool on Assembla by going to Admin -> Tools, then clicking Delete next to it which is located on the right. Now re-add the Source/SVN repository tool.

Finally, import the dump to the newly created repository by going to the Import/Export section and uploading the gzipped SVN dump. The process will take from a few to several minutes depending on how large your repository is.

Your repository should now be reverted back to the revision you specified.

There is no simple way to revert your repository to a previous revision on Assembla. However, a reversion can be done following these steps.

First, export the SVN repository in your space. This can be done under the Import/Export section of your repository. It’ll take a minute for the dump to be created. Once that’s finished download the dump.

Then, extract the contents of the ZIP file to a temporary directory, then run the following commands in the temporary directory:

svnadmin create REPO_NAME
svnadmin load REPO_NAME < rXX.dump
svnadmin dump -r 1:YY REPO_NAME --incremental > rYY.dump
gzip rYY.dump

Replace XX with the current revision of your repository, YY with the revision you wish to revert to, and REPO_NAME with whatever you like. The temporary repository name will not be carried over.

Afterward, delete the repository on Assembla by going to Admin -> Tools, then Delete it on the right. Now re-add the Source/SVN repository.

Finally, import the dump to the newly created repository by going to the Import/Export section and uploading the gzipped SVN dump. The process will take a few to several minutes depending on how big your repository is.

You’re repository should now be reverted.